July/August 2024: Seeking & Embodying Truth, Courage, & Light, & Reviewing The Hero’s Journey!

July / August 2024 Energy Update

Seeking & Embodying Truth, Courage, & Light, & Reviewing The Hero’s Journey!

A Message from
Frequency Writer ~ Marie Mohler

July 24, 2024

July August Energy Update - Themes of CHANGE - frequencywriter.com

Change is happening within and all around us.

And in that Spirit of Positive Change and New Earth Momentum propelling us forward, I am excited to invite you to check out my new Frequency Writer presence on Substack!

From this point forward, I will be posting insights, new podcasts with a variety of guests, and inspiring messages in my new Frequency Writer account on Substack. If you are a Frequency Writer subscriber, from this moment forward, you will receive messages from my Substack account instead of through Mailchimp ~ which is the mailer I have used in the past. Some aspects of Mailchimp have proven difficult to resolve over the past few months.  And so I am very excited to make this CHANGE. The Substack platform is much more aligned with my vision, intuition, and soul mission.

That said, as we rise to live more of Who We Truly Are in the coming weeks and months ahead, and we steadily step into our Divine Gifts, Talents, Self Awareness, Wholeness, and Higher Dimensional Alignment with God/Source and Creation, I sense the presence of miraculous energetic support and infusions of light from God and Gaia themselves . . . that is aligning and attuning us to the Higher Vibrations of the New 5D+ Earth.  These are exciting times!  These are liberating times.  And I invite you to visit with me at Frequency Writer on Substack.com as more shifts continue to take place on the planet, and as more inspirations are posted there to empower you in your Hero’s Journey, your Journey of Personal Transformation, and your Powerful Ascension Experiences in these times!

We are living in times of Epic Change. We are the Brave Epic Avatars who came for these times.  We are the Ones we have been waiting for!

New Tools, New Skill Sets, An Expanded (And Expanding) Self Awareness, Greater Soul Integration, and Higher Dimensional Resilience will continue to lead us forward.

Thank you for your faithful presence here on Frequency Writer. You can always visit the archived inspirations here on my website that you have enjoyed over the years.  And now I invite you to visit more often with me in the new offerings on Substack!

Enjoy the newest video on Color The Magic here, where I discuss Seeking & Embodying Truth, Courage, & Light, & Reviewing The Hero’s Journey!  You can also view it here on Substack.

And let’s remember that . . . TOGETHER ~ WE RISE!

*If you want to explore more of my videos and podcasts, you can access them here on my Color The Magic YouTube channel.

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