Welcome to the pure positive potential of experiencing healing, hope, increased self-awareness, abundance, liberation, alignment, and greater well-being in your inner being!
These possibilities may sometimes feel unattainable or elusive in our busy, noisy, and disconnected world today. And yet, these Incredible Potentials are in fact Divine Seeds Inside You. Inside all of us.
You just have to find and consciously connect the inner coordinates of the Infinite Soul Map Inside You, that remembers how to tap in to that Inner Stream of Goodness, Wellness, Balance, and Wholeness again . . . so you can ride it Home to your True Divinity and Higher Self’s Greater Abilities, Abundance, and Awareness.
The Back Story to this “Soul Abundance Story” is that for eons, and lifetimes really, many people have suffered or experienced challenge in some ways in their daily lives largely as a result of 2 key things:
A Lack of Authentic and Integrated Self Awareness
and A Lack of Conscious Soul Connectedness
Many have struggled, day after day, lifetime after lifetime, largely unconscious and unaware of the negative thought patterns, emotions, and energies that repeatedly create cycles of imbalance, pain, separation, loneliness, lack, confusion, struggle, and suffering in their lives. Some of these elements have been part of my own journey too.
These imbalances and challenges show up in a variety of aspects of life ~ including relationships, manifestations of lack, professional careers and pursuits, addictive behavioral patterns, health challenges, fear and self-doubt, and even in our relationships with ourselves. These patternings and experiences can be mild, moderate, or even overwhelming at times. And yet, despite the regularity and routine nature of experiencing some of these Patterns of Pain and Personal Challenges, most people remain disconnected from the True Root Cause(s) of their struggles and suffering ~ simply because they don’t yet have the soul sight to see them.
Can you relate to these patterns of pain, struggle, aloneness, disconnectedness, despair, and/or an overall sense of soul weariness found within this age-old story?
Or are you facing a time of change and new beginnings in
your life . . . and seeking guidance and positive perspectives about your next life steps?
A Soul Reading is an energetic tool that can support and assist you in finding clarity, compassion, and a greater awareness about the root cause(s) of your challenges, suffering, imbalances, mis-alignment, indecision, and disconnection.
It can also serve to affirm what IS aligned in your life path and life purpose on the planet at this time, and give you some new “soul compass coordinates” to help you to follow the dreams that are rising in your heart’s consciousness in these powerful times.
My intuitive and empathic skills provide a deeper knowledge, broader perspective, and higher awareness of your Soul’s Patterns, Lessons, and Themes through Time, which can be very affirming and validating.
Additionally, I offer follow up Vibration Coaching Sessions which can help you to identify old patterns of thinking, feeling, vibrating, and behaving that can sometimes CAUSE suffering and imbalance in various aspects of your life, AND that can help you identify new patterns of thinking, feeling, vibrating, and behaving that can help to LIBERATE your soul from these painful and chronic tethers.
If you are interested in a Soul Reading and/or Vibrational Coaching, please visit the Introduction to Services page and the Description and Fees page.
I welcome you to Frequency Writer and to all of the positive energies that stream here.
Welcome Home to the Potential and Possibility of Re-Discovering Who You Really Are. And Welcome Home to the Re-Discovery and Integration of the Parts of You that now desire your attention the most. These are exciting times indeed and they are inviting all of us to activate our Soul Awareness and to begin to allow our own Sentient Operating Systems to guide, inform, and support us in this new chapter of our journeys. We have all of the skills, talents, and heart inside us to return to this Greater Hope, this Brighter Light, and this more Prosperous and Joyous Experience of Life. We simply have to remember the Inner Soul Map, Compass, and Lantern that will guide us there. I aim to help, support, and guide you in that process.